Flight MAC57284
Commenter | Comment |
Isaac Whisenhunt | having trouble with acars not showing aircraft on ground at gate or stand. |
Isaac Whisenhunt | used this site to convert ibs to kg https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1AVFB_enUS776US776&ei=AEBdWvyePJDszgL2tqPwAQ&q=pounds+to+kilograms&oq=pounds+to&gs_l=psy-ab.1.2.0i131i20i264k1j0i67k1j0i20i264k1j0i67k1j0j0i67k1j0l2j0i67k1j0.2792.8381.0.11734. |
Officially Retired | Isaac, I'm going to pass this one through. But we don't do manual pireps. You'll need to go through support to try and figure out why MACARS isn't working for you. There's definitely a reason. We have over 300 other pilots in X-Plane, FSX, FAR and all versions of P3D using MACARS successfully. |