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Tour Details

Alaska Prop Tour Pt. 1

Status: Active
Description: Break out your bush planes! It time to make your way round Alaska with a total of over 9,000nm direct! You will start at Anchorage which is Alaska’s biggest city, you will then head out of Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport and make your way all the way round the coast! You will then head inland, as you head west you follow the edge of several National Parks which you will fly back over to see them in their full glory! As you make you way to the east you will land just west of the border with Canada and it is here you will find the mighty Yukon River! You will follow the Yukon River all the way back to the where the river will eventually meets the coast! This is where you will fly back east and pass Denali, also known as Mount McKinley, which has the highest mountain peak in North America with a summit elevation of 20,310 feet! After that you will head into Fairbanks which is the 2nd biggest city in Alaska with a population of 32,469 people! This is where you will pass Juneau the capital of Alaska as you head south east before making your way back up the coast to land back at Anchorage! Choose your plane wisely! Only 12 have hard runways with the shortest being 1798 ft. The rest will be gravel or dirt! Good luck on your journey and enjoy! - Daniel Wall.
Division: Open Division
Alaska Prop Tour Pt. 1

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Tour Flights

Leg: Departure: Arrival: Flight: Aircraft: Distance:
1Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (PANC)Karluk Airport (PAKY)MACALSKTOR-01KODIAK QUEST256 nm
2Karluk Airport (PAKY)Sand Point Airport (PASD)MACALSKTOR-02KODIAK QUEST243 nm
3Sand Point Airport (PASD)Nikolski Air Station (PAKO)MACALSKTOR-03KODIAK QUEST325 nm
4Nikolski Air Station (PAKO)Adak Airport (PADK)MACALSKTOR-04KODIAK QUEST200 nm
5Adak Airport (PADK)St George Airport (PAPB)MACALSKTOR-05KODIAK QUEST373 nm
6St George Airport (PAPB)Nelson Lagoon Airport (PAOU)MACALSKTOR-06KODIAK QUEST285 nm
7Nelson Lagoon Airport (PAOU)Port Heiden Airport (PAPH)MACALSKTOR-07KODIAK QUEST101 nm
8Port Heiden Airport (PAPH)South Naknek Nr 2 Airport (PFWS)MACALSKTOR-08KODIAK QUEST117 nm
9South Naknek Nr 2 Airport (PFWS)Cape Newenham LRRS Airport (PAEH)MACALSKTOR-09KODIAK QUEST158 nm
10Cape Newenham LRRS Airport (PAEH)Mekoryuk Airport (PAMY)MACALSKTOR-10KODIAK QUEST165 nm
11Mekoryuk Airport (PAMY)Scammon Bay Airport (PACM)MACALSKTOR-11KODIAK QUEST91 nm
12Scammon Bay Airport (PACM)Savoonga Airport (PASA)MACALSKTOR-12KODIAK QUEST175 nm
13Savoonga Airport (PASA)Emmonak Airport (PAEM)MACALSKTOR-13KODIAK QUEST171 nm
14Emmonak Airport (PAEM)Koyuk Alfred Adams Airport (PAKK)MACALSKTOR-14KODIAK QUEST156 nm
15Koyuk Alfred Adams Airport (PAKK)Nome Airport (PAOM)MACALSKTOR-15KODIAK QUEST113 nm
16Nome Airport (PAOM)Wales Airport (PAIW)MACALSKTOR-16KODIAK QUEST95 nm
17Wales Airport (PAIW)Selawik Airport (PASK)MACALSKTOR-17KODIAK QUEST206 nm
18Selawik Airport (PASK)Kivalina Airport (PAVL)MACALSKTOR-18KODIAK QUEST127 nm
19Kivalina Airport (PAVL)Cape Lisburne LRRS Airport (PALU)MACALSKTOR-19KODIAK QUEST77 nm
20Cape Lisburne LRRS Airport (PALU)Wainwright Airport (PAWI)MACALSKTOR-20KODIAK QUEST165 nm
Total Distance Of Tour: 3599 nm

Pilot's Progress

Click * To View PIREP
START: PANCLeg: 1 To: PAKYLeg: 2 To: PASDLeg: 3 To: PAKOLeg: 4 To: PADKLeg: 5 To: PAPBLeg: 6 To: PAOULeg: 7 To: PAPHLeg: 8 To: PFWSLeg: 9 To: PAEHLeg: 10 To: PAMYLeg: 11 To: PACMLeg: 12 To: PASALeg: 13 To: PAEMLeg: 14 To: PAKKLeg: 15 To: PAOMLeg: 16 To: PAIWLeg: 17 To: PASKLeg: 18 To: PAVLLeg: 19 To: PALULeg: 20 To: PAWIComplete
1Jim Cruse - PRO0304********************Tour Completed
2Steve Kightlinger - MAC0124********************Tour Completed
3Michael Schmitt - MAC0572********************Tour Completed
4Randy Howard - PRO0477***                  
5Gary Brooks - MAC0632********************Tour Completed
6Tom Taylor - MAC0014                     

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